
Static placeholders

This is a list of all placeholders that are supported for subject and text of notification rules.


Remember that you can manipulate the contents of all placeholder by using the placeholders filters! (see Placeholders filters)




User ID of the author


The author’s description


The author’s display name


The author’s email


The author’s firstname


The author’s lastname


The author’s login name


The author’s nickname


The registration date and time of the author


The author’s homepage URL


The email of the blog admin as defined in Settings / General


The blog description as defined in Settings / General


The blog name as defined in Settings / General


The blog URL as defined in Settings / General


The WordPress version


The blog URL as defined in Settings / General


The ID of the current user (the user who changed the status)


The description of the current user (the user who changed the status)


The display name of the current user (the user who changed the status)


The email of the current user (the user who changed the status)


The firstname of the current user (the user who changed the status)


The lastname of the current user (the user who changed the status)


The login name of the current user (the user who changed the status)


The nicename of the current user (the user who changed the status)


The nickname of the current user (the user who changed the status)


The registration date and time of the current user (the user who changed the status)


The status of the current user (the user who changed the status)


The homepage URL of the current user (the user who changed the status)


The ID of the post


User ID of the author


A comma separated string of category names attached to the post


Contains an array of category names attached to the post for use with filters array functions


A comma separated string of category slugs attached to the post


A list of category slugs attached to the post


Total number of comments of the post


The comment status of the post (like “open”)


The content of the post


The filtered content of the post


The content of the post without HTML tags and shortcodes


A comma separated list of all custom fields attached to the post


Contains an array of custom fields attached to the post for use with filters array functions


A list of of all custom fields attached to the post including their values


The date of the post


The GMT date of the post


Contains the changes of the post title. Formatted as HTML table for use in HTML emails. (see Content diffs)


Contains the changes of the post content. Formatted as HTML table for use in HTML emails. (see Content diffs)


The backend edit URL


The post’s excerpt


If a post has a featured image, this placeholders contains its URL


The featured image width


The featured image height


The post filter (like “raw”)


The post’s format


The post’s internal URL (like


The post’s menu order (integer)


The mime type of the post (like “image”, “audio”, “video”)


The modification date of the post


The modification GMT date of the post


The post’s slug name


The ID of the parent post


The post’s password


The post’s permalink


The post’s ping status



Contains the first 25 words of the post content


Contains the first 50 words of the post content


Contains the first 75 words of the post content


Contains the first 100 words of the post content


The post status (like “publish”, “pending” etc.)


The post status after the transition


The post status before the transition


A comma separated string of tag names attached to the post


Contains an array of tag names attached to the post for use with filters array functions


A comma separated string of tag slugs attached to the post


A list of tag slugs attached to the post


The post title



The type of the post (like “post”, “page” etc.)


Only works in One email per TO recipient mode. The firstname of the recipient if it is available in the user profile.


Only works in One email per TO recipient mode. The firstname of the recipient if it is available in the user profile.


Only works in One email per TO recipient mode. The user ID of the recipient if it is a user with an account (since 1.8.7).


Only works in One email per TO recipient mode. The email address of the recipient if it is a user with an account (since 1.8.7)

Dynamic placeholders

Help dynamic placeholders

PSN offers dynamic placeholders depending on your unique WordPress installation. For every custom category or tag taxonomy (e.g. registered by other plugins) there will be a unique placeholder.

For example, if you have installed “WP Job Manager” plugin, it will use the custom taxonomy “job_listing_type” which works as a category. In this case PSN offers you a placeholder called [post_category-job_listing_type].

If you have a custom taxonomy “actors” for tags, PSN will provide a placeholder called [post_tag-actors].

Please check the help “List of placeholders” in the rule creation / editing form in the plugin’s backend. It will show you all your dynamic placeholders.


Even the contents of dynamic placeholders can be manipulated by using the placeholders filters (see Placeholders filters) or conditional templates (see Conditional templates).

Custom fields

To retrieve the contents of custom post fields attached to a post use this placeholder syntax:


Instead of the * put in the name of the custom field.

If you have a custom post field “actors” the placeholder is [post_custom_field-actors]